The Great Ngaio Crofton Downs Residents Association, Pride in our Streets Cleanup

NCDRA is proud to be organizing the 2024 Pride in our Streets Clean Up, to be held in October, with support from Wellington City Council.

Follow this link to adopt a street for cleaning – StreetCleanup

By 20 October 2024, we want our members, and anyone else who lives locally to adopt a Street or two, and then during the week of 21 – 27 October, to clean up any rubbish which is making the place untidy. We want to see as many people out and about with rubbish bags doing some solid mahi to keep our neighbourhood looking and feeling its best! We will be providing rubbish bags and gloves courtesy of Wellington City Council.

On Sunday 27 October, bring all the rubbish you have collected down to Ngaio Town Hall where we have organized to have it collected and taken away.

Do you want to be  involved?:

  • Visit our website at, and navigate to street Cleanup.
  • Sign yourself or your family up for the Clean Up then choose a local street  (or two!) from the list – select your street – StreetCleanup
    • Wait for email confirmation that your selection is available, and that you are the team member  for that street/s.
  • Keep an eye out for the bags and gloves which will be delivered to your door on the weekend of 19 and 20 October.
  • GET RUBBISH CLEARING during the week of 21-27 October!
  • Have fun, and send us an email with your stories and photos! (to
  • Deliver your bags to Ngaio Town Hall on 27 October from 12.00 to 2pm.
    • Enjoy the pleasure of having made a difference, and of living in the cleanest suburb in Wellington

Together we can make a real difference

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2 Responses to The Great Ngaio Crofton Downs Residents Association, Pride in our Streets Cleanup

  1. Kathrin says:

    What a great initiative. But why do we have to hold on to the full rubbish bags for 4 weeks?

  2. Administrator says:

    Hi Kathrin,

    OOops – in the “How to get involved” paragraph should say return rubbish to town hall on 27 October (as it does above)! Thanks for pointing that out, and is now corrected.


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