A Repair Café, staffed by volunteers, is a place to take a broken household item with the hope than it can be fixed and have a coffee and a chat while you are there.
A Repair Café can cope with: a garment that needs an elbow patch; a kettle that needs a handle refastened; a soft toy that needs stitching, a pottery teapot needing a spout glued; a stool with a wobbly leg; a toaster with a loose cord.
Save it from the tip! Reduce emissions.
Ngaio Repair Café will be run by Ngaio Union Church in the church building on the corner of Kenya Street and Crofton Road. The church is looking for volunteer repairers. We have a few of our own members but we need more people who can sew, who can sharpen knives and scissors, who can do general household fixing and who can handle minor electrical repairs. A retired electrician maybe?
If you can help please phone or email John McInnes, the Repair Café Coordinator. 479-5710, 027 348 2515, john4kenya@gmail.com
Ngaio Repair Café plans to open Saturday 15 October and on third Saturdays in subsequent months with a break for summer. Full details will be shown on all social media and this website closer to the opening date. □