Fun Community Activity: Picnic this March in Ngaio/ Crofton Downs

Banner for the family-friendly biking and wheels-themed community picnic event this March in Ngaio, Crofton Downs. Text says: Huntleigh Park Sunday 23rd March 12-3pm, Ngaio Community Picnic, celebrating open streets, with a photo of flowers and sunshine.

Looking for family-friendly activities in March in Ngaio / Crofton Downs area? Come down and join us at our open streets Community Picnic!- here’s the event page, with all the information that you will want: Ngaio Community Picnic Event

This year, it’s about getting around in our community – finding the secret gems only known to those who walk, run or bike around our beautiful places. 

The theme this year: Choose your own adventure

Travel to the picnic in sustainable transport fun

  • 1.     Guided bike ride. Want to try out cycling on our beautiful Ngaio hills and new cycling infrastructure, but could use a little help? Join our guided bike ride with a hired e-bike and expert guides to teach you how. Starting from Switched-on Bikes at 9:30am, on the waterfront you will get e-bike hire for the whole day and ride up to Ngaio together, and end at the community picnic for some fun together. Register here – Welly on wheels Ngaio confidence skills for biking.
  • 2.     Walking Scavenger Hunt. Our local artists at Sam’s Art House are putting together a special scavenger hunt for us all to learn more about the special hidden treasures we might only find walking and running around our beautiful neighbourhood. Start at Cummings Park anytime from 11:30 – 1:00 to pick up your free scavenger hunt pack and wander to the picnic the fun way – collecting treasures on the way and contributing to the community art activity at the picnic, all welcome and no registration needed. Event page here Scavenger Hunt Event
  • 3.     Community fun bike ride. Kids and whānau all welcome to join us for a celebration of biking in Ngaio! Decorate your bike or dress up and join the kid-friendly bike ride from Cummings Park to Huntleigh. Meeting at 11:30 at Cummings park and all heading together for a half hour bike ride around Ngaio and to the picnic for fun and music. Event page here Community Bike Ride Event

All of these end up at our picnic – or you can just join us straight there!

  • Scooter Flamingo bikes and scooters with giveaways and chances to try them out
  • 🔧 Bring your broken bike down and Mobile Bikespace will help you get it back in action
  • 👁️ Mountains to Sea running a kid friendly stream health monitoring workshop
  • 🚉 Metlink and Council staff helping answer pātai/questions about sustainable transport options
  • Community stalls, games 🏆prizes, live music, fire engine, BYO picnic!
  • Scouts sausage sizzle and Ngaio playcentre open house and face painting.

Want to join the community group working to reduce emissions in Ngaio Crofton Downs? Join the Climate Crew today!

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