The Wellington District Plan is a very important document for our city – it will guide how the city develops over the coming years. Council officers have now started presenting the Independent Hearing Panel’s recommendations to Council at five briefings from 7 February, so we want our members to know this is happening and where to get more information..
The recommendations came from hearings, which ran over 36 days in 2023, at which 144 submitters took the opportunity to provide verbal submissions and supporting evidence relating to their written submissions. Experts also presented evidence on matters including planning, urban design, transport, heritage, economics, natural hazards, noise and wind.
The report for the first briefing on Wednesday 7 Feb is available here. The rest of the reports will be made available when the agendas are published a week prior to the briefings. All briefings will be livestreamed on YouTube, and will also be recorded and available on YouTube here
The Council will then meet on 14 March to make their decisions on the Independent Hearing Panel’s recommendations.
More detailed information on the PDP including the decision making process and schedule of hearings is available on the PDP website.
If you have any questions you should email WCC at