This advice is from Kiwirail – we thought our members would be interested to know what is happening with the railway lines.
You and your community may have noticed a recent increase in the noise made by trains on the Johnsonville Line, especially for our nearby neighbours. We’d like to explain what’s going on.
Our teams have been working in the Ngaio/Khandallah area to replace sections of rail – an important job to keep the trains running safely. The new rail has been safely laid and clamped, but you may have noticed a banging noise when trains go along parts of the line. This is because we still need to do welding and ‘de-stressing’ work here, which is a temperature-dependent activity.
We’ll be continuing our work here later in the month, and then during our Easter works programme. Once this is done, and as the new rail ‘beds in’, the noises should decrease.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Ngā mihi,
Alice Machin | Communications Advisor
Alice Machin