Ngaio Crofton Downs Photo Competition

It is time again for our annual photo competition, which we tie in with the AGM.

We are very lucky to have photographer Colin McDiarmid ( as our judge again this year.

The categories for 2022 have been agreed – they will be: water, letterboxes, and relationships – a very wide interpretation of each category will be accepted, and Colin will put them into one of the categories when they are submitted.

Eligible entries will need to be still photos taken in Ngaio or Crofton Downs, with no restrictions on date or type of camera. They can be taken at any time – if you have a favourite sitting in an album, then that can be entered as long as it was taken locally.

There is also no age limits on the photographer – all budding photographers are welcome to enter.

To submit your entry, email it to (preferably as an attachment) and Colin will sort them into a category.  The deadline for entries will be Sunday 6 November, with the winners announced at our AGM on the evening of 16 November.

There are prizes of $50 for the winner of each section, and all entrants will receive a one year membership of NCDRA.

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